Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a purchase in Abler. You'll find information about both the app and the web interface.

1. To make a purchase, you simply go to the Marketplace. You can easily do this by clicking on your account located in the lower right corner within the app.

2. Find the club you're interested in by using the search bar, then proceed by clicking on the club's name.

3. After clicking on the club, you'll gain access to all its offerings.

4. Once you've found the relevant subscription, you can proceed to checkout.

5.  Next, choose the recipient of the purchase, if it's someone other than yourself.

6. Next you select whether you would like to use Frístundastyrkur or not

7. Select how much you want to use

8. You'll choose your payment method and then simply click "Pay".


In web:

1. Go to the marketplace and there you can search for your club.

2. Click on the relevant subscription.

3. Once you've found the relevant subscription, you can proceed to checkout.

4. Next, choose the recipient of the purchase, if it's someone other than yourself.

5. Next you select whether you would like to use Frístundastyrkur or not

6. Select how much you want to use

7. You'll choose your payment method and then simply click "Pay".